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Youth co-managers talks #3

2 Jan, 18:19
You can listen recording here.

Sivert, so nice to have you here in Tønsberg.

Yes. Nice to have you here too. We are in Vestfold og Telemark Region of Learning.

So you’re from here, from the town of Tønsberg. What do you like living in here?

Oh, that’s a lot of things, but for this project, especially I am very happy that this is a town of a lot of people that are engaged and want to help. So taking initiative, it’s not difficult because people want to do something for citizens. So that’s something I’m very happy about.

And what does it mean for your region to be a part of this big initiative?

I think it means a lot of things, but maybe two things, especially both that it is a part of the international scale that can help us grow and we can sort of exchange thoughts about the platform and how we can evolve it further.

But it also means that our region wants to validate people’s learning pathways. And that we also have this responsibility for the youngsters in this region.

So you are the youth co-manager. What does it mean for you to be a part of this?

Well, for me I got into this project from the youth council. So I’ve always been about advocacy and about raising your voice and for youths to be heard. So I think that’s very important. And then especially youth that are outside of the formal structures, that they can raise their voice because they don’t always know that they have the possibility to do that.

I feel so much energy coming from. What motivates you?

I think that what I mentioned now actually is something that motivates me because when I see on the platform, we have a new badge earner, and we have someone new that is connected and that wants to learn more. And that motivates me a lot. It’s sort of the gamification side of it that you can always see the numbers go up a bit higher.

Tell me more about your daily activity. So what do you do connected with this project?

Oh, wow. It’s a lot. But we are both connected with the student council and the youth council. So having workshops with them and also sort of teaching them how they can use the platform further on in their work.

But also we work with those who are outside of the formal structures to help them raise their voice and also to get the badge and get the validation of their skills. So that means workshops on sustainability, on democracy, mental health. And that’s been very interesting and exciting.

I hear you teach and you know, you give learning opportunities for others, but what have you learned personally, or professionally being the co-manager?

Well especially the last year I have been learning a lot about the opportunities that you have in a digital platform and how it can be a tool to motivate others. And then I’m especially thinking about the gamification side of it, because there are so many opportunities when it comes to just giving the digital platform. So I have learned that I can do a lot more than I think I can.

That’s nice. Well it seems like Tønsberg and the whole region is already active and doing many things that are a lot of opportunities. What difference does it make to be a part of this project?

I think sort of our main work and what we’re trying to do is to already take the established structures and implement them to the platform. So we are trying to make everyone in the region believe in the platform. And that has been a struggle because you have to sort of it’s an experience. So you have to experience it first to believe it. So that is sort of where we’re going at right now. And that is also the difference because when we have all those established organisations and all of those working with youths on the platform, then we’ll be happy because then we can do some amazing things.

So you’re mentioning that you’re open for new youngsters and organisations to join. So how they can do that?

Well, first of all, they can go to our Instagram account or they can send me a message. I think it’s important to be open for everyone because a lot of people have a lot to give that they don’t know of yet. So we want everyone to join.

So you emphasised on this huge network and this huge international cooperation and support that you get. So is there anything you would like to wish for your partners and other young people across the world?

More people to join international programs because at least I know in our way, we have a lot of funding that you can apply for to join the international programs, but not a lot of youths do that.

And I know that they have had this trial experiment, where people outside of jobs they went outside to join a project abroad. And then afterwards, 80% of those who went to that type of project got the job. So it’s life changing and that’s what I’m trying to, to give out to others.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Visit the platform of Vestfold og Telemark Region of Learning.